Selasa, 23 Februari 2021



AoS legt großen Wert auf Professionalität und jederzeit exzellente Lieferung. Sie gehen diese Extrameile, um sicherzustellen, dass als Kunde alle Ihre Ziele erreicht werden. Sie erledigen immer die Arbeit für Sie. Deshalb melden sich die Leute immer wieder bei ihnen an.Das gleiche Szenario spielt sich bei RealKoyn ab, wo den verschiedenen Investitionen, die in die Immobiliennische getätigt werden können, eine völlig neue Dimension hinzugefügt wird. Mit einem Team von erfahrenen und hoch engagierten Fachleuten gibt es keinen besseren Ort, um Ihre Investitionen zu tätigen als bei RealKoyn. Mit ihnen sind Sie sich sehr sicher, dass Sie es mit realen Vermögenswerten zu tun haben und nur reale Gewinne erzielen.  Die gesamte Plattform basiert auf der Ethereum ERC20-Blockchain-Technologie, und dies sind sehr gute Nachrichten für Investoren. Die Investition in RealKoyn bietet mehrere Vorteile. Der gesamte Vorgang wurde vereinfacht und der Kauf von Token kann per Knopfdruck erfolgen. Ein weiterer Grund, warum es sich um eine solide und lohnende Investition handelt, besteht darin, dass es an das Land gebunden ist. Land ist neben Wasser und Nahrung die wichtigste Ressource für die Menschheit. Es ist eine Einheit, die immer an Wert gewinnt, egal was passiert - Land nimmt niemals an Wert ab.  Was AoS getan hat, ist, die Nische vollständig zu stören, indem es Kryptowährungsinvestitionen mit Immobilientransaktionen vermischt. Obwohl Koyn wie jedes andere ERC20-Token auf dem Markt funktioniert, macht es den Unterschied in Bezug auf Sicherheit.
Sadly, the great majority of crypto offerings don’t make it to an exchange
AoS brings Cryptocurrency to the average person by pooling funds JUMP IN
The Future in Mind
Complete Transparency
Industry Experts
Real Assets
Scarcity Gives Value
Blockchain is the Future of the Internet
Timing is Everything
We have the Answer
Real Koyn (RKYN) is AoS current offering, win with us.
Our Goal is to Become your Sole Partner in Asset Backed
Cryptocurrency Investments.
Easy Setup and Monitoring
Convenient and Easy
Secure and Reliable
Not just a coin but a. . . Koyn Kollection!
Pooling vs. Investing A Great Difference
Democratizing the Pursuit of WealthBy Pooling Resources not only Investing
● Supersonic Mogul
● Hypersonic Mogul
● Lightspeed Mogul
First Round – 20% Bonus
Second Round – 15% Bonus
Third Round – 10% Bonus
Final Round – 5% Bonus
APR 2018
JUL 2018
SEP 2018
JAN 2019
MAR 2019
JUL 2019
NOV 2019
JAN 2020
JAN 2020
FEB 2020
MAR 2020
APR 2020
JUN 2020
JUL 2020
They Said it Best
Navroop Sahdev
Ben Bernanke
Our Executive Team
Experienced and Nimble
Frederik Lund
Rubab Arshad
Sean Brizendine
Hamza Khan
Daryl Naidoo
JC Wren
Nick Gray
For more detailed information, please visit the link below:

Hello! My friends this time I tuyanto want to provide information about a very extraordinary project and this company is well known in foreign countries, this company has opened an opportunity, especially for investors and miners to find an income to realize what we have been dreaming of. dream with family. Making money in the 21st century is a matter of being very smart. That explains why those who make money the cool way do it with AoS Investing and Real Koyn. AoS is a platform that truly makes the best of cryptocurrency exchanges and investments. There is a lot of buzz today about cryptocurrency but the truth of the matter is that not everyone is getting it right. AoS has developed several strategies that will ensure that anyone who invests with them is always going to smile to the banks. As they understand that nothing is more important in a business relationship than trust, AoS has cultivated a solid network based on trust, integrity and reliability with their customers. Apart from the immense profits that you stand to gain, there are other reasons you need to sign up with AoS.  The cryptocurrency market is one that is full of uncertainties. However, with a crew of tested professionals and experts like the ones at AoS, you are very sure your investments will be in safe hands. Hence, you will have absolutely no reason to worry about your investments at any point in time.

This reality is not good for the investor or the cryptosphere. AoS understands that real partnerships are based on trust. Our focus is on keeping our word and performing in a world class manner. Many people see the promise of cryptocurrency but because of the ill prepared and bad apples in the space; those people are hesitant and skeptical. AoS eliminates the need for unhealthy skepticism.

Because of the uncertainty, you need AoS. We help navigate the cryptosphere so that you don’t have to be stressed out or confused. You are partnering with experts with a track record of producing. Integrity is at the foundation of our organization. We take meaningful steps to ensure you are comfortable with your investment. At the end of the day, what do we really bring to the table? Well – we get it done.

We’ve done it

Character counts

You are not alone

We are cautious

Don’t guess, know

Qualified by others

Partner With Visionaries

Know What’s Going On With Your Money

Identifying The Worlds Best Opportunities

Invest with Security

Our Investments are based on scarce tangibles so there will always be value. Those things that cannot be reproduced easily or economically are prime targets; real estate, industrial metals and precious metals are our focus.

● All tokens are backed by real assets

● Multiple tokens offer multiple opportunities

● Token values are reinforced by eachother

The Internet of Things is converging toward block chain technology. Many cite blockchain as the biggest thing since the internet. Smart investors are looking to the future and positioning themselves for the next iteration.

● Across Industries

● Across Technologies

● Across National Boundaries

The most important thing is not what you invest in but when you invest in it. Blockchain technologies including cryptocurrency is maturing and when the space completely settles, the returns will act accordingly. With most major tech companies and many non-tech companies investing tremendous resources in blockchain, the opportunity will wean.

● Global Firms have Stepped in the Space

● In 10 years almost every person knows Bitcoin

● Most will enter the market too late

Real Estate is as “real” as it gets. By aggregating properties your tokens earn value. With so many tokens that never make it to trade, work with a group that has already established relationships to ensure your tokens trade. Our goal is to grow your money.

You will get your own portal with customizable dashboard that manages your wealth.

Track all of your crypto investments from one place ( not just our proprietary “koyn“ products).

We have taken the proper precautions to ensure your money is safe.

To earn our spot as your go to cryptocurrency partner, we have to offer diverse opportunities and provide not just impressive returns but liquidity as well.

With an investment the only thing you get back is money with a return (hopefully). Our pool gives much more than money back. Our pool benefits all those involved. As a member you are entitled to powerful perks.

Our members have access to loans based on their koyn holdings. This way the growth can continue as life’s needs may make demands.

How about starting your day and you check an email to see an unexpected deposit has been made to your bank account? Our lottery randomly chooses a member to gift.

We also make available gifts of charity for emergency purposes. Unexpected things happen and we are creating a real community that sustains itself, which means sustaining its members.

Choose a plan. Every penny is fully credited to your account. You will receive the equivalent amount of Koyn every single month based on your package with a bonus. Put your wealth pursuit on autopilot. New koyns will be automatically sent to you before the official release date. This puts our members in the position to multiply their investment many times over. Where else is there an opportunity like this without a large sum to join the club? Become a member now by purchasing Real Koyn (RKYN).OUR CURRENT TOKEN IS REAL KOYN(RKYN) BY PURCHASING TOKENS

$0.99/ Billed monthly

$3.99/ Billed monthly

$9.99/ Billed monthly

Multi tranches are better for early contributors

● 20%: Reserves

● 60%: Real Estate Assets

● 5%: Airdrop

● 2%: Contributors and Advisors

● 10%: Founders

3%: Bounty and Marketing

With a mix of property types we can find the very best deal

● 10%: Industrial

● 10%: Land

● 35%: Multi-Family

● 25%: Residential

● 20%: Commercial

Most funds are associated with acquiring projects

● 5%: Marketing

● 85%: Real Estate Identification, Securing, Development, Sales

● 10%: Administration, Operations, Legal

First rounders are always the most successful and then the subsequent rounds after. Get in early and be glad you did.

● Start Date: Feb 14

● End Date: Feb 21

● Token price: $0.10

● Start Date: Feb 22

● End Date: Feb 29

● Token price: $0.15

● Start Date: Mar 1

● End Date: Mar 7

● Token price: $0.20

● Start Date: Mar 8

● End Date: Mar 15

● Token price: $0

Organization Development

Create the offering, including Legal and Whitepaper

Core Team Recruitment

Identify core team members, outreach and placement.

Core Team Development

Organize the team for a successful raise and project planning and development thereafter.

Social Media Network Beta Development

Began to develop concept and architecture of our answer to the Social Media gap.

Community Development

Outreach to the Crypto world to include all major crypto media and channels.

Social Media Network Beta Development B

Continue to next phase of development for our Holisitic Social Network.

Team Development and Preparation

Properly recruit and place new members and prepare for launch.

Media Launch, PR and Community Engagement

PR launch and a blitz through social media channels.


Raise Funds through Pre-Sale bonuses and discounts – motivating investors.


Continue to raise funds through 4 Stage ICO.


Continue to raise funds through IEO with carefully selected partner.

Exchange Listing

After review of exchange options, we will execute a contract and list on several exchanges.

Project Commencement

Our team will research, identify, analyze and secure projects that meet our criteria.

Social Network Site Complete

Members will enjoy the benefits of a holisitic online community.

They Said it Best

In an interview with Forbes, Navroop Sahdev summarized the emerging cryptospace in a most profound way. The potential was clear for Ben Bernanke in cryptos infancy. Regular people and the “powers that be“ know that the future is cryptocurrency using block chain technology.

“What cryptocurrency is, is essentially the tokenization of electrons, as opposed to petroleum molecules and it is becoming a reference storage for all the things that are useful in your life.”

Block Chain Expert/Economist

“ {Virtual currencies} may hold long-term promise, particularly if the innovations promote a faster, more secure and more efficient payment system.”

Ben Bernanke

Chairman of the Federal Reserve 2006-2014

Frederik Lund

Chief International Legal Counsel

Multi-National Expertise

Rubab Arshad

Community Manager

Multi-National Expertise

Sean Brizendine

Intelligence Advisor

Multi-National Expertise

Hamza Khan

Strategic Advisor

Multi-National Expertise

Daryl Naidoo

Marketing Advisor

Observer, Free Thinker, Cryptonaut

JC Wren


Leading from the front

Nick Gray

Chief Analyst

The Scientist.











Bitcointalk Username:zhaks Bitcointalk Profile :;u=2898902 ETH : 0x89679BBae31FFDabc4f8668d422FFE46b201Ed28

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