Rabu, 09 Desember 2020


 Swan Finance

SwanFinance The Estonia Based Finance Platform That Allows People To invest And Earn Specific Returns. It's also allows peer to peer lending and crypto loans. It will be a fully functioning crypto Finance. As we Know now Day's Their is Lot's Of Trust Issues We have And Lot's of projects we Have But The Swan Finance Is Deffrent. And it's Had a Potential To Perform Better In Crypto Market.


Swan Finance acts as a bridge between the worlds of centralized and decentralized finance. It provides the best of both worlds. SwanFinance offers an easy to use interface for earning interest, while SwanCredit provides a decentralized platform for peer to peer lending. While the crypto deposits are securely locked up on the SwanFinance platform earning interest, users can use their crypto deposits as collateral and lend to others to earn additional interest on the SwanCredit platform through an Automatic Credit Swap.

DeFi has a great deal taking the plunge, there's no rejecting that. Loaning conventions, trading abilities, self-governing exchanges, all through the execution of a permissionless shrewd agreement. 2020 DeFi ventures have done a particularly incredible employment at broadening the loaning and getting area and include understood significant hindrances inside the current crypto atmosphere, similar to the centralization of crypto trades.


Issue DeFi
That is not in any event, checking the issues confronting DeFi right now. Attach rising gas charges, unprotected keen agreements (one broken bit of code can bring about a total loss of assets), an unstable organization, an absence of resource protection, and a not very good UX, it will take some huge critical thinking aptitudes to address these issues. Obviously, a lot of tasks are capable. For instance, a contributor to the issue with DeFi is  surprisingly  a absence of decentralization.


This is mostly on the grounds that new tasks, similar to a DEX for instance, aren't prepared to deal with an enormous client base without probably some experimentation. Without working out the bugs and wreck ups, a ton of cash could be lost or even pulverized. Reformist decentralization is a semi-new methodology, where administration is offered out to clients over the long haul, versus at the same time where things can rapidly go south without the best possible direction.


Staking is an approach to acquire interest with your crypto by approving exchanges in a public blockchain, and it's not new. Different cycles of it have been around since crypto's beginnings. Think mining, however without all the gear, high energy bills, step by step declining rewards, and obviously, the ever-present danger of a 51% assault. staking crypto is similar to putting away your cash with a bank. In any case, there are evident downsides to customary bank contributing, one being you gotten it centralization.


Swan Security
Your cryptocurrencies and stablecoins are safe with us. We designed the platform architecture to provide as many safeguards as possible. We keep most of the cryptocurrencies in cold wallets until they are needed for transfers or withdrawals.

We safeguard your wallets and your cryptocurrencies with multiple ways to verify your identity from your login to your withdrawals. Our platform is as safe as the online accounts that you use for your banks.


Swan Ecosystem
We are starting with SwanFinance. But it is just the beginning of the Swan Ecosystem that will include: SwanCredit, SwanInvestments, SwanPay, Swan.Exchange, SwanTrade, and SwanWallet. There will be even more ways to receive benefits and discounts for staking and using SWAN tokens.

Road Map
November 2018
Swan Finance is incorporated.

January 2019
Swan Ecosystem is mapped out.

December 2020
SWAN tokens become available to purchase and stake to earn interest.

January 2020
Internal exchange becomes available on the Swan Finance platform.

January 2020
SWAN tokens become available to trade on BinanceDEX.

January 2020
Swan Finance become available as iOS and Android apps.

April 2021
SWAN tokens become available on more crypto exchanges.

June 2021
SwanCredit is launched.

October 2021
Swan Exchange is launched.

January 2022
SwanWallet is launched.

May 2022
SwanTrade is launched.

November 2022
SwanPay is launched.

June 2023
SwanInvestments is launched.



Author :
Username : zhaks
BTT Profil : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2898902
Wallet ETH : 0x89679BBae31FFDabc4f8668d422FFE46b201Ed28

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