Jumat, 19 Maret 2021

Review Albetrage Platform


What Is Albetrage?

Albetrage (ATE), A cryptocurrency built around Soccer to provide convenience for soccer fans around the world in accessing and enjoying sports book related resources. Albetrage іѕ а web dеvеlореd bаѕісаllу fоr thе іntеrеѕt аnd соnvеnіеnсе of thе glоbаl ѕроrt lоvеrѕ. It іѕ a mееtіng роіnt fоr thе General users whісh аrе fооtbаll lovers асrоѕѕ the unіvеrѕе, Albetrage Odds, Staking, Cashback Several activities can bе conducted uѕіng thіѕ Albetrage website. Uѕеrѕ can place their products and ѕеrvісеѕ Adѕ on thе platform аnd аt the ѕаmе tіmе еаrn rewards for dоіng such. With ATE why is the рlаtfоrm native сurrеnсу, аnу thing саn bе purchased on the рlаtfоrm.

About Albetrage (ATE)

Albetrage (ATE), is a cryptocurrency built around Soccer to provide convenience for all soccer lovers around the world to stakes favorable game. It is exclusively designed for soccer and all soccer lovers around the world. The Albetrage team envisioned to modernize the system of operations in the global soccer space and its related activities. The main goal is to become the benchmark Cryptocurrency in the global soccer space. Albetrage (ATE) Ecosystem consist of several features which will extensively discuss in the article. To facilitate soccer related transactions, the platform has developed the Albetrage (ATE) with lots of interesting features and users friendly interface. Albetrage (ATE) ecosystem has varieties of rich features which will attract large number of users across the world. The Albetrage ecosystem focuses on building a powerful digital economy in its Apps in which the community wealth will be shared among the bettors. The Albetrage website will allow users for Sports-book, Staking and earn through Albetrage Odds income in form of (ATE) Coin which is the native token of the ecosystem.

Albetrage anonymous betting platform is a robust ecosystem that will occupy millions of Soccer lovers and user around the world and offering convenient soccer related services for them. As mentioned earlier, the Albetrage website will allow wealth to be distributed among the ecosystem supporters. Besides, the users of the webs will be able to create and place sport booking bet related Advertisement and creating a very attractive offers for the platform users. Albetrage webs will provide users with a very convenient, secured and anti- fraud soccer related transactions like staking, Lottery sales, payment of registration free, advertisement, placing bet and more.

Albetrage Features


  • Albetrage was built around protecting our users’ privacy. we are not interested in your identity, we only want to see you win.
    Albetrage makes use of ATE Token, which enable faster transactions and break regional restrictions that associates with fiat payment.

    We have one of the best user interface, making it easier for our users to navigate.
    Bettors pay the lowest fees you can get anywhere, you can keep 99.99% of your winnings.
    We offer the biggest odds in the world, we don’t reduce our odds like others, we increase it to match their reduction.
  • 24/7 SUPPORT
    Albetrage platform has well trained customer relationship officers, readily available to help you resolves any issue.

The Albetrage (ATE Coin): 

Decentralized cryptocurrency empower by blockchain technology in football leagues to run their Sports Booking and Staking and earning ATE Coin by placing bets such. The Albetrage will allow users to offer their goods and services for sale in their ATE wallet in the Albetrage (ATE). The ATE Webs consist of a so many nourish features which will be offering a new experience in the global soccer industry.

The Albetrage Features includes:

  • SportsBook
  • Albetrage Odds
  • Casino
  • Lottery
  • Staking
  • Cashback and more

The Albetrage webs offers all in one football related services. Users will be able to find verities of comprehensive soccer news, scores and latest update on soccer. Hence, preventing users from roaming from one website to webs in finding soccer related information. Apart from these, users will be able to stake your sports book and services with the webs and at the same time earning rewards. Users of Albetrage (ATE) will be able to connect their favorite football betting on dedicated leagues, joining conversation with die hard football bet around the world and earning ATE Coin at any points. Users can as well redeem earned points on the Apps merchandise, soccer betting and lots more.


(a) Accessing soccer related information such as sports booking, Casino, Lottery, scores, websites for interaction is a bid deal for majority of the soccer bettors. Football bettors who support 2 or more football leagues will need to be finding information from different sources about the supported clubs. Mostly those who make Bets on football needs a single platform where they will have access to streams of information regarding Soccer around the world. Albetrage team has developed Albetrage Odds (ATE), all in one webs which will enable users gain access to broader soccer related information such as live Score, past scores, latest news and more.

(b) Albetrage Odds (ATE) gives users direct access to Professional bets. Majority of the existing Apps and website offers are not effective. Mostly they are hard to navigate due to congestion and some other forms of mediocrity. Besides, most of these available platform only serve their personal interest. They lack monetization. The Albetrage is a monetized platform where supporters of the platform receives rewards based on their active participation in the platform.

(c) It is hard enough to reach out to the football fans via interactive ads. The Albetrage enables advertisers to reach their various football bettors within different region through clickable banners, Instagram Video auto pay ads with feature of SHOP NOW or Learn More.

(d) There are some calibers of Semi Pro Players whose history and video highlight are not visible to the world. The general information such as their accomplishments, history and statistics are not visible to the world. The Albetrage is making these classes of players visible and more recognized globally. Their details will be adequately provided in the ecosystem and this will enable them gain recognition and followed by players, predictors and bettors.

The Albetrage Odds Ecosystem

The Albetrage Odds ecosystem consist of football betting, Lottery, staking, and Cashback. The Albetrage connects them together and allow them to interact with one another .Users can interact easily with one another, other bettors from their respective location. The Albetrage also has the prediction score discussion room. Among the features of the ecosystem includes a platform which shows high light of the players information, history and statistics. The websites also have Cashback section where the bettors can make a withdraw of fund as it stated early now. And lastly the advertisers can reach out to some certain clubs where they can get space to advertise their product and services.


Albetrage Odds (ATE) , A cryptocurrency built around Soccer to provide convenience for football bettors around the world in accessing and enjoying soccer related resources. The Albetrage Odds is a robust ecosystem that will occupy millions of Soccer lovers and user around the world and offering convenient soccer related services for them. As mentioned earlier, the websits will allow wealth to be distributed among the ecosystem bettors. Besides, the users of the Albetrage platform will be able to create business related advertisement and creating a very attractive offers for the platform users.

For more information Connect to Albetrage

Website: https://albetrage.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/albetragebet

Facebook: https://facebook.com/albetrage

Telegram: https://t.me/albetrage

Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQf_NyVTwzoqpnXG2NtIhfw

Bitcointalk Username : zhaks
ETH : 0x89679BBae31FFDabc4f8668d422FFE46b201Ed28


What Is Obortech?

Supply-chain industry has multiple actors having varying technical capacities. Yet most of them don’t have stable technical capacity to develop and maintain their communication and data in efficient way. Due to a lack of skilled IT experts, outdated technology, and inefficient business models the overall sector is struggling with complicated and costly logistics procedures. Creation of a simple and efficient communication and data hub built on trusted platform that everyone can use regardless of their technical capacity and knowledge will solve complications and bring significant cost benefits to the sector.


Better risk analysis and faster trade finance process

Increased operational efficiency and better fleet management

Reduced disputes caused by inconsistent and late data sharing

Transparency on product traceability and provenance

Broader market access and stronger customer relationship

Increased visibility and accurate planning


Mongolian Express is collaborating with OBORTECH, a blockchain platform for supply chain.

Since 2019, Mongolian Express Co., Ltd (MONEX) has been supporting OBORTECH – Smart Logistics Hub on its prototype development of blockchain platform for supply


Blockchain and cloud powered communication hub

Accessible via easy to use web and mobile user interfaces, and an open API, the Smart Hub brings together supply chain actors, and enable their supply chains to share information, collaborate, conduct data analysis, and validate product traceability in real-time on a trusted platform.

Tamper-proof, unified and online document exchange

The Smart Hub allows secure sharing and exchange of documents with supply chain partners using blockchain powered version control. Authorized parties to any shipment can immediately see when changes have been made, and by whom, along a shipment journey.

IoT based real-time visibility and tracking

IoT sensors are installed on containers/trucks and transmit data to the Smart Hub dashboard to track valuable shipments, monitor their key physical measurements, and protect high-value products against theft. A client gets positioning data for shipment in real-time, irrespective of the shipping carrier they choose

Open and decentralized networking marketplace

Based on the blockchain based trusted network established among the Smart Hub participants, the marketplace ecosystem will enable verification and scoring of stakeholders in supply chain without the need for third-party credentials. Moreover, the marketplace is a blockchain based decentralized ecosystem that enables buying, selling and exchanging of services without the need of intermediaries among the users. 


The Smart Hub members themselves are the governing bodies of the network. Before joining, every new member in any supply chain network of the Smart Hub needs to be invited and approved by existing members of that supply chain network in the Smart Hub.

Smart Hub Marketplace open ecosystem

public blockchain

Smart Hub private ecosystem

permissioned blockchain

Smart Hub private ecosystem

permissioned blockchain

Smart Hub private ecosystem

permissioned blockchain

PRE-IEO sale

IEO price starts from:  ETH 0.000015 ($ 0.024). Fully diluted market cap: $ 7.5 M 

Reward pool for highest OBOT token holder: $1,000 in OBOT 

  • Invest up to 1 ETH, get 50% more bonus OBOT tokens.
  • Invest between 1 ETH - 2 ETH, get 100% more bonus OBOT tokens.
  • Invest more than 2 ETH, get 200% more bonus OBOT tokens.

OFFER ENDS on March 8, 2021.


Send ETH (ERC20) to: 


The address is Ethereum wallet. Send only ETH (ERC20) at this address.

OBORTECH is an easy to participate and simple to use unified communication and data exchange hub underpinned by blockchain and IoT for supply-chain.

  • Website: http://www.obortech.io
  • Industries: Logistics and Supply Chain
  • Company size: 11-50 employees
  • Headquarters: Tallinn, Estonia
  • Type: Partnership
  • Founded: 2019
  • Specialties: Transportation, Blockchain, Internet of Things, Big Data, Logistics, supply chain, Smart hub, Cloud, and Smart


Tamir Baasanjav - CEO and Founder

Enkhbat Dorjsuren - Logistics Lead and Co-founder

Tungalag Sukhbat - CFO

Zoljargal Dashnyam - Chief Counsel

Alok Gupta - Blockchain Architect

Maxim Prishchepo - Blockchain Architect


Mauro Andriotto - Adviser

Garry Pinder - Adviser

Ulf Henning Richter - Adviser

Learn more about the project:

●  Website: https://www.obortech.io/

●  Twitter:  https://twitter.com/OBORTECHhub

●  Telegram: https://t.me/OBORTECH

●  Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/OBORTECH

●  Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/obortech

●  Medium: https://blog.obortech.io/

●  Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQxPIavuaCHfdpGsT8_hFkw

Bitcointalk Username : zhaks
ETH : 0x89679BBae31FFDabc4f8668d422FFE46b201Ed28

Kamis, 18 Maret 2021



What is Adonx.One?

Decentralized finance - often called DeFi - refers to a shift from a traditional, centralized financial system to peer-to-peer finance made possible by decentralized technology built on top of the Ethereum blockchain.

Innovative projects consistently appear in the crypto industry with high return investments and a continuous trend, such as BucksCake is one of those projects that will attract large market investments. Why? because this project aims to create a safe and decentralized working model. BucksCake is the project you've been waiting for.

BKC is a DeFi protocol that aims to provide maximum drawback to the Ethereum ecosystem for everyone with access to the internet. BKC is unique in that it provides a completely secure and transparent experience as evidenced by smart contracts and a strong token system. BKC offers many services, ranging from staking and agricultural produce, which can be accessed by users on the unified BucksCake platform.

ucksCake privileges:

    Users are interested in placing their tokens with liquidity provider Uniswap. Commissions from these tokens are processed. This commission percentage is distributed according to an autonomous strategy, such as the liquidity of LP tokens, and is converted into a buyback (ETH-BKC) (increasing the price). Every BKC token purchased will be sent to the staker / farmer.
    BKC has a strong impact on every token. Every time BKC tokens are transferred, a small commission is charged directly by the farmers. This mechanism of action promotes maintenance and agriculture. The maximum number of BKC tokens is 450,000 units. And there will never be more of them.
    BKC holders will be able to vote on various proposals as long as they stake liquidity in the pool. The community will decide everything from developer fees and site design to access to certain farming options.

Distribution Tokens

The initial BKC will be distributed during the pre-sale event, where a portion of the ETH received will be exchanged for the BKC that delivers its first "price pump" project. After the pre-sale ends, unsold BKCs will be distributed among users as a one-time subsidy. As indicated earlier, BKC has no mining capability, the BKC limit (450,000) is fixed forever. There's no way to release more BKCs. The part of the unsold BKC will be used to add liquidity to other DEX platforms such as SushiSwap, and some of this will be distributed as an Airdrop to the first investors and media partners and some will be burned.


and The BKC staking protocol allows users to stake ETH, USDT, DAI, USDC, WBTC, BNB (ERC20) and of course BKC using a special Staking DApp. With a 72 hour lockout period, users can immediately control their own tokens. The BKC Staking DApp can be found at: ssilka Unlike other platforms, BKC offers a fixed% return on their staked assets rather than offering an introductory high APR, which usually diminishes over a period of time. Our cuts ensure long-term stability with the current state of the token structure and a limited amount of 450,000 BKC as there are no mint terms in our token contracts.

Staking on our platform is designed to be as fast and easy as possible. With a single lockout period of 72 hours, users can enjoy the benefits of staking on our platform. Users can withdraw their funds at any time after the end of the lockout period. The prizes earned can be collected without any commission, excluding current gas prices. The token staked on our platform will reduce the available circulating supply, which will have a positive impact on the BKC price.

Agricultural produce

Yield Farming, or as some call it Liquidity Mining, is a major pillar of DeFi's advancement in the blockchain space. Yield Farming is a way to collect income from invested funds. BKC Farming allows you to get rewarded for providing liquidity across multiple liquidity pools. Users will be given a guaranteed payment of the Uniswap commission. The amount of the prize depends on the number of tokens provided for pool liquidity. The more members who join the base, the less each member will receive in the long run. When you add liquidity to the pool, you receive UNIv2 tokens (BKC-ETH) for the wallet you use to add liquidity. This token is your access to the current farm pool on the BKC platform.

Vault Returns

User Section A: (UNI-V2 is kept by you, I contract the total balance of UNI-V2) For example if there are 9,000 UNI-V2 (BKC / ETH) tokens collected in this Vault, and the user deposits 1000 UNI-V2. The total balance of token contracts collected by UNI-V2 (BKC-ETH) is 10,000. And User A's share now is: 1000 / 10,000 = 10% If user "B" deposits another 10,000 UNI-V2 (BKC-ETH) Tokens collected into this vault, the total contract balance of UNI-V2 collected Tokens (BKC- ETH) to 20,000. User A's new share becomes: 1000 / 20,000 = 5% If 200 BETH2 tokens are distributed to this vault per month, User A's earnings will be 200 x his share in% In the 5% share, his earnings will be 200 x 5% = 10 BETH2

BKC token

BKC is an ERC20 token and is used in every service available at BucksCake. The maximum supply is 450,000 BKC tokens. The tokens are deflational and the burning mechanism will destroy the tokens that are being farmed and staked after a while, leaving the last token amount (450,000–90,000) of tokens. In total, up to 90,000 tokens will be removed from the ecosystem and reports will be published in our community.

Allocation of BKC Tokens

  • Pre-sales: 94,500 BKC - 21%
  • Community: 135,000 BKC - 30%
  • Stake: 90,000 BKC - 20%
  • Key Liquidity: 90,000 BKC - 20%
  • Marketing: 9,000 BKC - 2%
  • Team: 22,500 BKC - 5%
  • Reserves: 9,000 BKC - 2%


Stable Profit Cloud Mining

Over the past year, miners' income has grown significantly. Our platform allows you to benefit from mining without additional equipment.

To start earning you will need:

    Three Packages Available.

Buckscake Road Map


  • Pre-sale of BKC creations
  • Launch of Staking and Farming Pool
  • The Key to Marketing Liquidity
  • Register on the Exchange
  • Cloud Mining Launch


  • Marketing
  • Audit
  • ETH 2.0 Bet
  • BKC Burn & Buyback


  • Audit
  • New Partnership
  • Electronic commerce
  • Agricultural Expansion


  • Partners / Marketing
  • Out of range
  • Concept Ideas / Projects
  • Product Research
  • Audit

Vital Records

Don't lose the chance to buy BKC in the first round!
1st Round price is 2 USDT - 12th Round price is 20 USDT.
The Exchange will list the price after the Pre-sale and nothing less.
Only 94,500 BKCs will be sold.

For more information on the BucksCake project:

Bitcointalk Username : zhaks
ETH : 0x89679BBae31FFDabc4f8668d422FFE46b201Ed28

Jumat, 05 Maret 2021


What is Adonx.One?

With AdonPay you can buy and sell crypto assets, it means you can trade Adon Coin and other crypto-currencies inside the AdonPay wallet. AdonPay is multi-cryptocurrency wallet which will going to have built-in exchange and this feature makes the AdonPay wallet unique.



In the current days, there is a wide range and variety of cryptocurrencies, but they are isolated crypto ecosystems that do not have much interaction between them outside an exchanger, AdonPay comes to transform these isolated ecosystems to a next level and allow them to have the interaction. A significant problem of cryptographic is that most of the Altcoins only have generic wallets for payments. A process that is not easy for mainstream adoption because many of the wallet features are simple and basic options. They are not offering the best end user experiences to their consumers and businesses. Adon has innovated and created AdonPay Payment System that stands out from many Altcoins/CryptoNotes. Adon includes wallets for Windows, Linux, Android and IOS, i.e., desktop wallets and mobile wallets with AdonPay Payment System and a wide range of features including a unique system called Adon Alias.

1. Payments Gateway/Processor

“State-of-the-art business payments solution”
A Payment Gateway is a service and application which authorizes payments for e-commerce, online retailers, traditional online businesses. Which is virtual equivalent of physical Point Of Sale Terminal at most of the business outlets.
Businesses and users can make use of the system in order make their entire crypto payments easy. Vendors can request payment from users by simply entering his alias, or user can pay the amount to vendor with a simple scan or alias. User will be notified when vendor requests a payment then user may accept or reject payment.

2 AdonPay Alias

“Making payments better, easy and simple”
AdonPay has a unique aliasing system which will make it easy to use their wallet address to make transactions, useful for day to day operations by businesses and users and while building custom commence applications by third parties for payment gateway integration.

3. Atomic Swap

“Swap your Cryptocurrencies”
Atomic Swap is a process of swapping two coins to two wallets on two blockchains, Usually coin owners can request this if they initiate a swap. AdonPay is fully capable of performing Atomic swap. In simple words, if a coin dev has decided to change his block chain and wants to initiate swap of all old wallets with old coins with new wallets with new coins, he/she can do the same through AdonPay without any addition complexity or calculations.

4. Escrow Services

“Exchange Protected without Third Party”
An Escrow is an arrangement where a third party holds and regulates the payment of the funds required for two or more parties involved in a given transaction. AdonPay provides an automated Escrow system where parties involved in the transaction can take participate with a small fee. At the point of time, these services are limited to Crypto to Crypto transactions only.

5. Crypto Asset Purchase

“Revolutionary Crypto Assets Purchase”
AdonPay is capable of providing asset purchase services, users may buy crypto assets without much complication, AdonPay for now supports only crypto based asset purchases.

6. Multi Currency Wallets

“Premium wallet with all your Crypto Assets”
AdonPay is crypto wallet platform that supports multiple crypto assets, initial free hosted crypto assets are ADON, BTC, LTC, DOGE, XMR, MonetaVerde, BoolBerry. In future we may introduce support for ERC 20 tokens based on demand, capital and resources availability. All features of AdonPay available through Mobile ( Android & iOS ), Website and Desktop application ( Windows/Linux/osX).


ADONX is ERC20 token on Ethereum blockchain, exactly 21M tokens will be minted, more than 80% of unsold tokens from the sale will be burned in each stage. Remaining tokens will be utilized towards airdrops & bounties.

ADONX Token will be used as payments method for different services available on Adonx eco system, or where ever applicable.

Coin Info
  • Name: ADON
  • Ticker: Adon
  • ALGORITHM: CryptoNight Lite V1
  • Difficulty: Adjustment Algo LWMA 3
  • Decimals: 8
  • Total Supply: 184467440.00000000
  • Premine: ~64563604.00000000
  • Token Sale: 55.00%
  • DEX Liquidity: 10.00%
  • Operations & Team: 20.00%
  • Airdrops & Bounties: 05.00%
  • Reserve Fund: 10.00%

  • DEX Liquidity: 20.00%
  • R&D: 47.50%
  • Marketing & Branding: 20.00%
  • Reserve: 12.50%


TELEGRAM PORTUGUESE : https://t.me/adonpt

TELEGRAM RUSSIAN : https://t.me/adonru

QQ CHINESE : https://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k=5mgLn4Q

Author : 
Bitcointalk Username : zhaks
ETH : 0x89679BBae31FFDabc4f8668d422FFE46b201Ed28